Bree Linville

Howdy! I'm Bree, the Graphic Design and Marketing Coordinator at DataDrive. I love exploring every aspect of Graphic Design- from marketing ideation and positioning, to design brainstorming and iterations, to asset creation and campaign execution. The more tools I get to use the happier I am- some of my favorites are illustration, video production, and animation! Outside of work, you may find me illustrating children's books, cat-napping with my napping cat, or camping and fishing with my family!

The Women DataDrive- Kaela Dickens

The Women of DataDrive- Kaela Dickens

Kaela is a double-threat within DataDrive, serving as an Analytics Consultant as well as our resident people person and Client Lead. Sitting in the DataDrive “People” seat, she enjoys recruiting awesome and genuine people to the team, coaching her...

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The Women of DataDrive - Kirsten Hoogenakker

Kirsten Hoogenakker Kirsten Hoogenakker is one of DataDrive’s latest and greatest Analytics...

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The Women of DataDrive - Mahzabin Khan

Mahzabin Khan Mahzabin has been with DataDrive as an Analytics Consultant for six months....

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The Women of DataDrive - Meg Johnson

Meg Johnson Meg has been with DataDrive for a year and a half as an Analytics Consultant. She...

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The Women of Data Drive Bree Linville

The Women of DataDrive- Bree Linville

Bree Linville I love Legos. Growing up, I convinced my younger brothers to share a room so we could...

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